Why is Foster Care So Important?
Click below to find out.
Nationally there are almost 450,000 children in foster care, 60,000 in California, and 2,700 here in San Diego County. Eight is the average age, while 40% are five and younger. Most of us have no direct experience with foster care, yet a majority see the system as broken.
Administered by bureaucracies. Filled with overloaded social workers, shuffling kids from crowded home to crowded home. Staying with foster parents who are in it just for the money.
Nationally, the system of traditional foster care is in trouble. The supply of foster homes has never been enough to care for all the children in need.
For those who become foster parents in the traditional system, 30-60% drop out after one year due to lack of support.
Since 2012, California has experienced the second-largest reduction in non-relative foster homes of any state except one.
Is there any hope? Is there a better way?
For children five and younger, Angels Foster Family Network has been the answer for the past 20 years.
Today, Angels is the largest private provider of families who foster in San Diego County.
We are led, governed, and staffed by former foster youth and parents who have fostered and adopted. Our families choose to do this for the love of children and to make a difference in their community. We support our families round the clock ensuring someone is always available when needed.
Our customer service and program outcomes are world-class:
94% of our families are highly satisfied or satisfied with the support we provide
97% of our families continue to foster with us and recommend us
Most importantly, we are the final home in foster care for 93% of the children we serve
We succeed because of our singular focus on doing what’s best for the child in our care and the family who cares for them.
This is Angels Foster Family Network.