+ Where do children served by Angels come from?
Children come to Angels for the County of San Diego Child Welfare Services.
+ Is Angels a county-run foster care agency?
Angels is a nonprofit charity, licensed as a Foster Family Agency (FFA) (CCL #374603866) by the State of California and operates in tandem with the Child Welfare Services Department of the County of San Diego.
+ How many of the children in the care of Angels have been exposed to trauma?
Sadly, all children in foster care have been exposed to trauma. There is the trauma that caused them to come into care, along with the trauma of being separated from their family / caregivers. All Resource Families receive training in trauma informed care and are expected to care for the child in their home via trauma informed best practices.
+ Does Angels care for children who have been abandoned at the international boarder?
Children who are not citizens of the United States are cared for directly by the Federal
Government and do not fall under the jurisdiction of the County of San Diego Child Welfare Services.
+ I thought only older children needed care by Resource Families, is this true?
Forty percent of the children in foster care in San Diego County are under the age of five. This is the largest, and most vulnerable, group of children in foster care.
+ I have heard children in foster care may have medical challenges. How often is this true?
While some children in foster care can have medical challenges, Angels does not place children that need durable medical hardware such as feeding tubes, oxygen, or mobility assistance such as wheelchairs. Those children are cared for by a specially trained group of parents who work directly with the County of San Diego. Children while in the care with an Angels family may develop higher-level medical needs and the family will receive additional training and support as needed.
+ Does Angels provide childcare for the children who are in foster care?
Angels does not provide childcare – childcare is the responsibility of the Resource Family. Most children in care are eligible for federally funded childcare programs such as Head Start, Early Head Start, or other free childcare programs.
+ May I take the child(ren) in our care to my own doctor?
If the child(ren) in your care is currently being treated by a doctor or has a prior history of treatment of a doctor, then they should remain in that doctor’s care. However, if this is not the case and your doctor accepts Medi-Cal then you may take the child(ren) to your doctor. It is always best to check with your FFA Social Worker prior to making any changes in medical providers.
+ Will I receive compensation while caring for a child?
Resource Parents receive a monthly monetary stipend from Angels, which is funded by federal, state, and local sources to offset basic expenses, such as clothing, food, and diapers. Children five and younger in foster care are automatically eligible to receive assistance through the Women Infants and Children (WIC) program.
+ Am I able to claim a child(ren) placed with me as a dependent on my taxes?
If the child(ren) in your care has been with you more than 6 months in a calendar year, then it is possible to claim them as a dependent on your taxes. It is best always to check with your FFA Social Worker before including them as a dependent on your taxes.
+ Do Resource Families ever adopt the child(ren) in their care?
Sadly, sometimes reunification efforts are unsuccessful, and a child(ren) becomes available for adoption. When this happens, some resource families choose to adopt the child in their care, while some do not. There is no requirement to adopt a child that has been in your care.
+ If we choose not to adopt a child(ren) that has been in our care, what happens to them?
When a child becomes available for adoption and the resource family caring for them chooses not to adopt them, the child will be transferred to one of the many adoption only resource families with the County of San Diego.
+ If I solely want to adopt, should I foster through Angels?
If your sole purpose is to adopt, we are not the agency for you. We recommend you contact the County of San Diego – 1-877-792-5437.
+ May I read stories from other Angels parents about their fostering experience?
Yes, by visiting our Resource Parent Spotlight Blog. You can also head to our YouTube channel to find more stories and related videos.
+ Fostering is not for me. Can I help in another way?
A tax-deductible contribution to Angels will help us continue to place infants and toddlers in loving homes. Angels depends on the generosity of individuals, corporations, and foundations. Take a look at our giving overiew to learn more about contributing to Angels.
+ How is Angels funded?
Angels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization funded through contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations. We also receive funding for basic program costs from public sources. All contribution funding received is used to recruit, train, and support Angels families and their children in care.