+ If I live outside of San Diego County, can I become a Resource Parent with Angels?
We require all our Resource Families to reside in San Diego County. If you live outside of the County of San Diego, we encourage you to find an agency located near you.
+ Can single people, same-sex couples, military families, couples without children, employed parents, or multigenerational households become approved to care for a child in foster care?
Absolutely! Angels welcomes individuals, couples, and families who meet the qualifications to become an Angels Resource Families. We currently have a diverse mix of people who are successfully supporting young children in the foster care system.
+ What are the requirements for becoming an Angels Resource Parent / Family?
Yes. Angels does not discriminate against single individuals who meet all of the qualifications to become an Angels parent.
+ Why should I become a Resource Family with Angels?
- Caring for children five and younger in foster care is all we do
- Foster one child or sibling set at a time
- Receive in-depth training related to children 5 years of age and younger
- Agree to care for a child until permanent placement is decided
- Receive weekly visits and support from their Angels Clinical Case Manager, who is available for parent visitations and all court dates, as needed
- Appreciate that their Angels Clinical Case Managers carry small caseloads and are solely focused only on the support of our families and the children in their care
+ Is Angels a county-run foster care agency?
No. Angels is a non-profit charity, licensed as a foster family agency (CCL #374603866) by the State of California and operates independently but in close cooperation with the Child Welfare Services Department of San Diego County.
+ What are the requirements for becoming an Angels parent who fosters?
Basic requirements include:
- Attend an Information Session
- Fingerprint and child abuse index clearance
- Medical Doctor's approval to care for young child(ren), TDAP vaccine, and TB test
- DMV printout, current auto insurance, and driver's license
- Successful completion of our specialized training program
- Home study including several in-depth family interviews
- Must be 21 years of age (our preference is 25 years old)
+ How long does the process take to become an Angels family?
As with all things in foster care, every case is different and each family will go through the process in different time frames. Nine to twelve months is the typical length of time it takes to become an approved Resource Parent/Family. Families who make completing the approval process a personal priority are often able to complete it in less time.
+ Where do children served by Angels come from?
Children come to Angels after they have been taken into protective custody by County of San Diego Child Welfare Services.
+ Do Angels children have contact with their birth parent(s)?
All children in foster care have court-ordered reunification plans. Angels parents are responsible for making sure that the children are available to visit with their parents as ordered by the court. As a resource family you will coordinate / arrange the visits with the biological parents and ensure they fit everyone's schedule. Visits are held at the Angels office or in a public place such as a park, community center, or library. Visits are never held at the home of the resource family or biological family.
+ Who is with me at the visits with the child in foster care and their biological parent(s)?
Resource parents supervise each visit and along with providing a written summary. For your first visit and if needed, your Angels Clinical Case Manager or other Angels Staff member will be present to assist with establishing the expectations and requirements for visits.
+ How long will a child stay with us?
A phrase you will come to understand is that every case is different. Reunification with biological family is the primary goal of the County, the Court and Angels for every case. However, these biological parents must comply with the court's orders to regain custody, so the length of placement varies. At Angels, we ask that our resource families commit to caring for the child or sibling set until a final placement decision is made. This may take up to two years but most often occurs in ten to twelve months.
+ I thought only older children needed foster homes, is this true?
Forty percent of the children in foster care in San Diego are under the age of five. This is the largest group in foster care, and the most vulnerable.
+ Can I foster a child that is older than my biological and/or adopted child(ren) (break birth order)?
The idea of birth order is that you only foster children that are younger than your youngest birth or adopted child(ren). It mirrors how biological children are naturally introduced into a family.
+ I have heard that children in foster care have medical issues, how often is this true?
Some children have medical issues, and some do not. The most common issues we see are neglect, malnutrition, physical abuse, in-utero drug exposure and abandonment, though this is not always the case. When there are issues, we have found that a loving and nurturing environment restores children to optimum health very quickly.
+ Does Angels provide child care for the children who are in foster care?
Angels does not provide child care – that is the responsibility of the family that is fostering. Most children in care, however, are eligible for <a data-preserve-html-node="true" href=http://www.neighborhoodhouse.org/nha-programs/head-start/#sthash.tpZHFa5z.dpbs "Head Start" target="_blank">Head Start, which is a free child care program. Angels does have respite care available for our parents who foster which can be used for special occasions.
+ Does the county provide medical coverage?
Medi-Cal provides medical and dental coverage for each child placed in foster care.
+ Will I receive any compensation for caring for an Angels child?
Resource parents/families receive a stipend payment from Angels funded by federal, state and local sources to cover / defray the expenses (clothes, food, diapers etc…) of providing care to a child in foster care. Angels Resource Parents / Families view their commitment as a contribution to creating a healthier and better community. Children in foster care are also automatically eligible to receive assistance through the Women Infants and Children (WIC) program.
+ How much support will our family receive while we have a child in our home?
Angels is here to support you every step of the way. Our Angels Clinical Case Managers are available 24-7 to offer guidance. Experienced Angels parents also often mentor new families. Additional trainings and support group meetings are offered throughout the year.
+ Can Angels families ever adopt the child(ren) in their care?
Yes. When reunification efforts are unsuccessful, children may become eligible for adoption. There is no requirement for you to adopt a child you have cared for and many of our families choose not to adopt. However, many of our families are also open to growing their family through adoption. As every case is different, we never know ahead of time which child/children will reunify and which ones will be made available for adoption.
+ If I solely want to adopt should I foster through Angels?
Most likely not. If your sole purpose is to adopt we are not the agency for you. Fostering a child brings incredible joy but is not for the faint of heart. It is certainly possible to adopt through fostering a child but there is no guarantee that adoption will be the outcome.
+ May I read stories from other Angels parents about their fostering experience?
Yes, click here.
+ Can I help even if I don't have the time or resources to be a parent who fosters?
Yes. Your tax-deductible contribution to Angels will help us continue to place infants and toddlers in loving homes. Angels depends on the generosity of individuals, corporations, and foundations. Click here to learn more about contributing to Angels.
+ How is Angels funded?
Angels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization funded through contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations. We also receive funding for basic program costs from public sources. All contribution funding received is used to recruit, train, and support Angels families and their children in care.